Monday, March 05, 2007

"team canada: pain police"

  • There's ice falling from the CN Tower... So they've opted to completely shut down my route in to and out of the city. If it takes me more than 3 hours (that's how long it took me to get in to work this morning) to get home tonight I'm going to kick some CN Tower ass!
  • NME gave Arcade Fire's 'Neon Bible' a glowing review. So did the inferior snobs at Pitchfork. Oh and Stereogum reports how to band won't give in - not even to Paul Haggis.
  • The 15 year-old in me is kinda excited Placebo have announced a North American tour.
  • Pete Doherty's new low... Feeding joints to penguins. I wish I was making this up.
  • Kanye West: still an idiot.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Awesome stuff, as always...

    PS - There's a typo in your stereogum link (I know you've been crazy busy at the office)


    7:19 PM  

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