Wednesday, June 30, 2004

You know you’re a computer geek when free themed fonts excite you.
  • The Libertines have decided to carry on without Peter Doherty.
    "It is with regret that The Libertines announce they are to continue without singer and guitarist Peter Doherty due to his well-known addiction problems, specifically with crack cocaine and heroin… Peter is and always will be a Libertine and when he cleans up from his addictions he will be immediately welcomed back into the band… This decision is made with love and with no disregard to Peter and his problems. The other members of the band - Gary, John and myself - have come to this conclusion after three recent failed rehab attempts, all of which The Libertines have funded… Peter’s erratic mental state worries us greatly and having him on tour would only compound his problems. We aim to complete all existing tour commitments without him."
  • The Killers new single will be "All The Things That I Have Done".
  • Apparently Modest Mouse are playing Toronto Auguust 4th at the [wince] Kool Haus [/wince]. From Chromewaves.
  • Great new MP3 blog, Scenestars!
  • Douglas Coupland’s attempts to deconstruct the Canadian identity. Again.
  • Tomorrow is Canada Day. Be proud to live in a great country where "double-double" is now in the dictionary!

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