Monday, November 13, 2006

vote or die

  • It's Election Day pretty much everywhere (at least in Ontario) today so make sure you get out and vote!
  • Kylie made her comeback last week and she looked fabulous!
  • Blur will never tour again.
  • Rolling Stones went ahead with their Las Vegas show over the weekend despite the death of Mick Jagger's father just hours earlier.
  • Scientists have created a t-shirt that turns the strumming of an air guitar into music. Funniest invention ever.
  • Hungry Girl: Quite possibly, my new favourite website which any girl like me (with a big appetite) will appreciate!

    Blogger Sarah said...

    hey, I heard the new shins album has leaked. any word? Oh, and you were right, kylie looks great! I was in england when the news broke about her breast was all over the magazines! Man, they really love her over there

    10:35 PM  

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